14 Aug How to Start Manifesting: Believe in Possibility

When it comes to manifesting your dream life, everything begins with one super special step: believing in the possibility of what you desire.

I’m not just talking about wishful thinking or hoping things will work out. I’m talking about a deep and strong belief that what you want is not only possible but you can imagine what your life would be like when it actually happens.

For a lot of people, this is where the manifesting journey hits a roadblock.

You might have big dreams, but if there’s a voice in the back of your mind whispering doubts – telling you it’s not realistic, that you’re too old, too young, too inexperienced, or just not lucky enough – that’s where manifesting gets blocked.

I’ve been there – and believe me… its NO fun. Before I went from welfare to millionaire, I had to face those same doubts head-on. I had to train myself to shift my mindset from one of scarcity and fear to one of abundance and possibility.

And let me tell you, that shift wasn’t just a small tweak – it was a complete overhaul of how I thought about myself and the world around me and what was possible.

So, how do you start believing in the possibility of your dreams? Here’s the process that worked for me and can work for you too:

#1. Recognize Your Doubts

First, you’ve got to accept those doubts exist.

Ignoring them or pretending they aren’t there doesn’t make them go away – it just gives them more power… what you resist, persists.

So, get real with yourself. What doubts come up when you think about your dreams? Write them down, look at them, and understand where they’re coming from.

Maybe those doubts were planted by well-meaning parents, teachers, or society. Maybe they’ve grown because of past failures or disappointments.

Wherever they come from, recognize they are not truths – they’re just THOUGHTS. And thoughts can be changed – yay!

#2. Challenge Those Doubts

Once you’ve identified your doubts, it’s time to look at them closely.

Ask yourself: Is this really true? Do I have any proof that I can’t achieve my dream?

Often, those doubts are based on fear, not reality. They’re stories we’ve told ourselves for so long, we’ve started to believe them.

Now, flip the script. Start telling yourself a new story. Instead of focusing on why something might not work, focus on why it could.

Look for examples of people who have achieved similar dreams. Remind yourself of times when you’ve succeeded in the past, even if it was in a small way. Build your belief in possibility.

I searched for and read and listened to so many examples of people who had attracted their desires, created success and manifested money. I filled my mind with what was possible and slowly I began to believe it could happen for me too.

#3. Visualize Success

Visualization is a powerful tool in manifesting. When you visualize your dream, don’t just see it – feel it.

Imagine what it would be like to live that reality. What does it feel like to have the success, the financial freedom, the happiness you desire?

The more vividly you can imagine it and actually see and feel you are living that reality already, the more your brain starts to believe it’s possible.

Your mind doesn’t know the difference between a vividly imagined experience and a real one.

So, by consistently visualizing your dream, you’re training your mind to see it as a reality.

And when your mind believes it, your actions start to align with that belief and the quantum field starts to re-arrange energy, bringing your dream closer to reality.

#4. Surround Yourself with Positivity

The people and environments you surround yourself with play a huge role in shaping your beliefs.

If you’re constantly around negativity, it’s going to be a lot harder to believe in the possibility of your dreams.

Look for people who inspire you, who believe in you, and who are busy creating and manifesting their own success.

This could be through books, podcasts, online communities, or real-life friendships.

The more you immerse yourself in positive, uplifting environments, the more your belief in possibility will grow.

It’s like watering a plant – the more you nourish it, the stronger it becomes. You want to grow a strong belief that anything is possible.

That’s why I encourage members inside my Divine Money Manifesting course and community, to share their successes – because it inspires, encourages and allows others to build their belief and feel positive their dream can also become a reality.

#5. Take Small Steps

Belief in possibility isn’t just a having the right mindset – it’s also about taking action. And this is where many people miss the mark.

It doesn’t have to be about huge leaps forward, even the smallest step towards your dream can build your belief that it’s possible.

Each time you take a step, no matter how small, you’re proving to yourself that you have what it takes and your dream is within reach.

These small wins build momentum. They show you that your dream is getting closer, they give you confidence and that’s an incredibly powerful magnetizing energy.

The more you act on your belief, the more it grows, creating a positive feedback loop that brings you closer and closer to your dream, and allows the Universe to bring your dream closer and closer to you

#6. Get Support

Sometimes, believing in possibility can be hard, especially when you’re doing it all alone.

That’s where support comes in. Whether it’s a mentor, a coach, or a supportive community, knowing you have people in your corner who believe in you can make all the difference.

They can offer guidance, encouragement, and a different way of looking at what could be holding you back when you need it most.

If you want all that and more – I’d love to have you join us inside Divine Money Manifesting where you’ll learn how to become the best you possible and manifest your dreams, while discovering a powerful step by step process for manifesting AND connecting to a community of like-minded women from around the world!

Believing in the possibility of your dreams is the very start of manifesting your dreams.

It’s the first step in turning your desires into reality.

By recognizing and challenging your doubts, visualizing success, surrounding yourself with positivity, taking small steps, and seeking support, you can build your belief and set yourself on the path to achieving, creating and manifesting your hearts desires.

Remember, it’s not about having all the answers or knowing exactly how things will unfold.

It’s about trusting your dreams are possible and taking inspired action towards them every day.

The universe is always ready to support you – all you need to do is start believing.


P.S. Want to join an amazing community and course with ongoing support and all the tools and techniques to make manifesting easy? Join my Divine Money Manifesting course today – you’ll learn how to release blocks and have a step by step process to manifest and attract more abundance and prosperity in your life – guaranteed!